Ella Maise

Ella Maise is a Washington Post and International Bestselling Author.

Writing became my world and I can’t imagine myself doing anything other than creating new characters and telling their stories. You know how some things simply makes your heart burst with happiness? A really good book, a puppy, hugging someone you’ve been missing like crazy? That’s what writing does to me. And all the hard work, all the sleepless nights, all the anxiety that comes with publishing…everything is worth it at the end.

Books by Ella Maise

Charlie, Love and Cliches

Simon and Schuster, 2023

To Love Jason Thorn

Simon & Schuster UK, 2022

The Hardest Fall

Simon and Schuster UK, 2022

Marriage For One

Simon and Schuster UK, 2022

To Hate Adam Conner

Simon and Schuster UK, 2022